Start the XND Academy to Learn a Sustainable Way to Earn Extra Income

And build a potential business based on helping others live healthier longer.

Lead with Value

As a part of XND Academy, from The Foundation Group, we lead with value for whomever we are talking to. Which means that we take the time to find out how we can add value to someones life and then we offer a resource or solution based on their needs.

We feel that if we focus on serving others, providing education and resources to help meet their needs that our needs with eventually be met in a way that we can feel good about for the long-haul.

What’s included…

Pathway to Get Started

We provide you a simple checklist with video support to get everything set up that you need as an XND Influencer.

Plan to Create Authenticity

None of this works in the longterm if you aren’t authentic in your efforts, so we help you reframe your thinking and give a simple plan to create authenticity in your life and on social media.

Steps to Start Earning

Building a solid foundation in your business is important and we provide you the tools, tips and direction to start doing that authentically without feeling like you are being “salesy”.

Invitation Only & Completely Free

How we help…

Tools for Lead Generation

All good builders still need tools and we have a clear guide on how to implement the tools of Team XND to grow your customer base.

Product Knowledge

Understanding what Team XND provides with their products is key to being authentic and we provide all the knowledge you will need, and then some!

Path to Grow

When you start having success as an XND Influencer we don’t want you to feel limited and will help you with a clear path forward to becoming an XND Leader or if your really serious, an XND Elite.

Starting the XND Academy, from The Foundation Group, gets you access to the people and minds that have helped Team XND grow to where it is today.

Your Guide to Start Earning

Invitation Only & Completely Free

“It doesn’t matter how you approach things, you will have success if you lead with value.”

- Mike Behrens / Foundation Group Leader & XND Elite