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TOP 3 Supplements for Athletic Performance.

Watch this video to learn what are the top 3 supplements I recommend for anyone looking to increase their performance.


The top three products that I recommend for performance are a quality multivitamin, a product called Extreme Endurance and Creatine. Those three products are the top three that I recommend for anyone that is trying to perform better in whatever it is that they do. So let's break down why I suggest those three.

So first, quality multivitamin. Pretty simple.

Most people don't realize how important multivitamins are. Most of us don't get a quality, balanced diet. And even if you are the nutrient density, the nutrient quality isn't there. So supplementing with a quality multivitamin can be huge when it comes to giving your body a baseline foundation to perform from. If you're not solid on your foundation, then you're not going to be successful in most of your performance.

You're not maximizing the performance that you can have if you don't have a strong foundation. So getting a quality multivitamin and what I mean by that is having a wide range of vitamins and minerals and nutrients, but then also in a capsule form so that your body can actually absorb it in the right spot. 

That is the key for any type of performance. Whether you're in CrossFit running doesn't matter. Quality multivitamin is huge.

Next product that I recommend is a product called Extreme Endurance.

Now this is a lactic acid buffer.

And it really, really works. It's been proven to work through multiple clinical trials. A lot of people will be skeptics of it because they look at the ingredients and they think, how does this work? But then they try it and it works. It just is proven to work. It's by a company called Endurance. Absolutely. 100% recommend anyone who's looking to perform better.

That product is a game changer. It is the most cliche thing to say, but it is. It definitely will help you improve your performance. Guaranteed to do so.

If you're looking to purchase it, there's a link in the description.

And the number one product that I recommend for anybody who wants to perform better is creatine, plain and simple.

Couple of reasons why is because Creatine is one of the most widely studied ingredients ever, and it has been proven to be safe and effective and actually work. 

And so the reason I suggest creatine as the number one product that you should try for performance and that you should start taking for performance is because of the rich history in testing and proving performance, but then also because it's inexpensive and it's easy to take and it's a nice introduction to using supplementation to enhance your performance.

And so creatine, hands down, would be the number one product I would recommend for every single person looking to perform better in whatever it is they do.

Recap real quick quality multivitamin, Extreme Endurance from Xendurance and then creatine monohydrate. 

Those are the best top three products that I would recommend for anyone who wants to take their performance to another level.