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Fish Oil PRO TIP to Get Actual Benefit While Taking It

Fish oil supplement labels can be super deceiving.

I talk about what to look for in this video to make sure you are getting a good dose.

It’s not what’s on the front of the label.

Here's a pro-tip when you buy a fish oil product, a lot of times most fish oil products are misleading on the front of the label. It will tell you that there's 20 milligrams of omega-3’s in this product and there is, but there are certain types of omega-3’s that our bodies utilize better and use more efficiently.

And that's the whole purpose of buying official a product is to actually get a benefit from it.

And so EPA and DHA are the two forms of fish oil and omega threes that our body really wants and utilizes best. And so when you look at the front of the label, it says there's 2000 milligrams of omega threes.

The reality is if you look at the back of the label, it's going to say maybe 250 milligrams of combined EPA.

And so this is where the companies can kind of skirt the rules a little bit and say that there's 2000 milligrams of omega threes because there actually is.

But the usable omega threes, the types that are our bodies are going to benefit from the most is very, very much so at a minimum.

And a good maintenance dose of EPA and DHA for a daily basis is about 1000 milligrams of EPA, DHEA.

So do the math. If the fish oil product that you're purchasing doesn't have a combined 1000 milligrams of EPA and DHA, then you're probably not getting the best product that you can possibly purchase.

So doubled the dose, tripled the dose, maybe even ten the dose depending on the product you buy.

I've definitely seen some that do that.

And when you go to purchase your next fish oil product, look at the label.

Make sure that on the back you're getting 1000 milligrams of EPA and DHA to get a good quality maintenance dose of omega threes.

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