Back to Basics

This past weekend I went back to my roots in the supplement industry by doing a sampling of product at a CrossFit competition hosted by Kinetic Grit CrossFit.

This was the first time in almost a year that I have set up my booth and table to sample out some of the Xendurance product line.

I didn’t realize how much I’ve missed doing it!

It was so refreshing to get back to a CrossFit comp and to be able to support the competitors with some free samples.

Most of the people I spoke with had only heard of Xendurance but never tried the product or they had never even heard of the brand.

And that becomes one of the funnest things for me because I get to educate people on the brand, on the products and how they can help you perform better.

In 10 years of being in the supplement industry the one mainstay has been educating people on the benefits of supplementation.

There’s so much information out there and most people have no idea where to start or what to take.

Being at the competition was an awesome opportunity to speak to a few people and help them learn about a product that can help them achieve their goals.

Whether it was the bro’s that I talked to about home gyms, or the teenage boys getting ready for football season, or the mom trying to feed them while meeting her fitness goals, or the 2 awesome ladies competing together that came up to me after sampling some products and completing their next event to say “we want some more of that, we aren’t even tired”… it was just plain awesome for me to have the conversations with all of them!

Focusing on the basics and educating people to truly help them are things that fill my cup and this past weekend at Kinetic Grit did just that.

Takeaway: don’t lose site of the basics in your business and in your life, they are what will ultimately drive you forward. 

Want me to come to your event? Contact me here or email me

Learn more about Xendurance here -

Blu Behr Productions

Video production, web and graphic design company.

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